- [+]
- Registration and Voting
- Board Elections
- Agenda
13:45 |
Meeting opens |
14:00 - 14:20 |
Official AGM, Election and voting |
14:20 - 15:00 |
LONAP Presentations (Technical and Commercial Updates) |
after 15:00 |
Board Election Result |
Key Dates
30th October 2023 |
Call for Nominations for the LONAP Board |
12th November 2023 |
Nominations close (23:59) |
13th November 2023 |
AGM and Board candidates announced; Registration opens |
3rd December 2023 |
Proxy appointment registration closes |
5th December 2023 |
Board Elections
The LONAP Board consists of four elected directors and one appointed director.
- Elected director Peter Taphouse is standing down by rotation.
- Peter is eligible to stand for election again and has indicated his intention to do so.
- Elected director Andy Rawnsley is standing down by rotation.
- Andy is eligible to stand for election again and has indicated his intention to do so.
TWO nominations were received and are listed below in alphabetical order:
Andy RAWNSLEY of Gamma Telecom Ltd
- Proposed by Lee Turner of Gamma Telecom Ltd
- Seconded by Jamie Lesley of Netflix Luxembourg S.A r.l.
Peter TAPHOUSE of York Data Services Ltd
- Proposed by Tom Bird of Idaq Ltd
- Seconded by Sebastien Lahtinen of NetConnex Broadband Ltd
There are TWO seats available on the LONAP board and we have received TWO valid nominations.
Since there are an equal number of candidates and vacant seats, we will elect (or not elect) candidates to the LONAP board of directors by means of a resolution requiring a simple majority at the upcoming AGM, as is our usual convention. This has been added to the ballot as two additional resolutions.
The election statements are published below.
Election Statements
I am pleased to re-stand for election to the LONAP Board after completing my first term during
which I believe I have correctly represented the LONAP Members’ interests.
My contribution to the LONAP Board during this first term focused on two key areas:
- Development and initiation of a plan to address regulatory requirements, specifically the
Telecommunications Security Act and the Network & Information Systems (NIS) Regulations.
- Financial management and oversight including the development of a model that sets out the
appropriate level of financial reserves that the company should maintain.
I firmly believe my skills and experience have positively contributed to the LONAP Board and will
continue to do so should I be re-elected. To recap, I believe these are:
- Broad experience of the UK and global communications market with a wealth of technical,
operational and commercial expertise that I have developed across the years.
- Extensive interactions with and contacts within HM Government and relevant public bodies
involved in governance, regulation and security. Examples include the Department of Digital,
Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure
(CPNI), National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and Ofcom.
- Development of the UK’s largest and acknowledged market leading SIP and Hosted Voice ‘All
IP’ telecommunications network.
- Ten years of experience as a Director, and four years as Company Secretary of NICC
Standards Limited, a similar, limited by guarantee, company to LONAP.
- A strong relationship with key technology vendors
I remain passionate about keeping LONAP as a member owned, not for profit organisation and
would like to see an expanded membership and customer base that drives and supports the
longevity of the UK IP communications market. My vision is for LONAP to play an active and crucial
part in and being at the core of the UK IP communications marketplace, providing value and
excellent service to the internet economy and hence our everyday life.
Dear Members,
I am standing for re-election at the upcoming AGM in December. I have been on the Lonap board
since 2017 and, should I be re-elected, this would be my final term.
I started with and still hold the belief that Lonap is a technically excellent exchange
and provides its services at great value to its members.
Over the years we have continually improved the way we run the company. We have overhauled
finance, updated our articles, and are currently working on the implementation of ISO27001.
Throughout this time we have focussed on keeping the pricing of our services as low as
possible while maintaining the sustainability of the company in the long term.
This has proved interesting and challenging work in the last term with the uncertainty
around the pandemic, changes in the landscape of the UK internet, the increase in cost
of living, and new legislation from the government.
I would love to be re-elected so I can continue on the board. I believe that my
skills and experience on the board remain highly relevant for the company, and I ask
you for your vote.
Registration and Voting
Registration for LONAP AGM 2023 is closed.
Copies of the latest accounts and minutes of the previous meeting are available in the
Member Document Store
(member login required)
(Please note: if you see an empty folder, you will need to login first.)